Quotes from the Movie Black Christmas

These broads would hump the Leaning Tower of Pisa if they could get up there!

Mrs. MacHenry

Alligators come through the gate, but goodbye leg if ya get away late! Lollies love to pop!

Mrs. MacHenry

Speaking of proffesional virgins - here we have the queen of vaudeville herself!

Barb Coard

Why don't you go find a wall socket and stick your tongue in it, that will give you a charge?

Barb Coard

I think the little buggers schnockered, *son of a bitch*.

Barb Coard

Nash, you stupid son of a bitch, you've got a big God damn mouth!

Chris Hayden

I didn't send my daughter in here to be drinking and picking up the boys.

Mr. Harrison

Filthy Billy, I know what did you nasty Billy!

The Killer

Let my lick your pretty piggy cunt!

The Killer

Little baby bunting/ Daddy's went a-hunting/ Gonna fetch a rabbbit skin to wrap his baby Agnes in.

The Killer

Excuse me? Could you give me the number at the sorority house? Please?

Sergeant Nash

I don't think you should provoke somebody like that, Barb.

Clare Harrison

Oh listen, this guy is minor league. In the city, I get two of those a day.

Barb Board

Well maybe. But you know that town girl was raped a couple of weeks ago.

Clare Harrison

Ms. Bradford, this is Sergeant Nash. Are you the only one in the house?

Sargeant Nash
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